Busy Humpday!

These past two days sure have been busy, and boy, do we have some goodies to share!Instead of having the usual Thursday 5-7 pickup for the CSA, this week we held it on Tuesday.  Thus, we spent the early hours of Tuesday morning harvesting for this week's bag, which included onions, beets, kale and a little something different - pesto made from our own basil, kale and peashoots!  We figured that the CSAers still had a good amount of basil leftover from the previous two weeks, so we decided to surprise them with a something something made by yours truly!We also did some more work on the shed, nailing in the rest of the panels and securing the others.  I think the highlight of this experience, however, was watching Marie pull in on her way back from picking up some more lumber at Lowes.  I believe the picture will speak for itself...We definitely got a good kick out of this.What else...Oh!  We've made some new additions to the garden as well.  Rowan and Michelle put up the shade cloth for the eggplants, and let me just say, they're already starting to look much taller and more robust!Also, meet our new cucumber trellis.  Today, Michelle, Aaron, one of our wonderful CSAers, and I built it using the bamboo that we harvested from Japan yesterday.Without Michelle and Rowan, the rest of this week is going to pretty low-key, but I'll be in and out of the garden, so I'll be sure to post some pictures!Happy Wednesday! 


Way to go team!


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