Morven July 2021- June 2022 Annual Report
Learn about what Morven Programs has been up to this past year.
Morven Summer Institute 2022 Report
The Morven Summer Institute is a collaborative effort involving a cross-disciplinary group of students and faculty from across UVA. The Institute provides an experiential learning experience and combines the study of sustainability with place, culture, and history. At the Morven Summer Institute, students have the unique opportunity to learn about these intersections of sustainability at the historic Morven Farm, UVA's Sustainability Lab.
In 2022, Morven Summer Institute celebrated its 10th anniversary. Read on to learn more about MSI 2022.
The UVA Sustainability Lab at Morven: Integrated Actions for Land, Architecture & Education
Morven Programs received $25K from the UVA Committee on Sustainability to award faculty grants for sustainability related research projects at Morven. Phoebe Crisman’s proposal to design sustainability plan for Morven with a group of students was awarded one of the grants. Phoebe and her students developed a professional-level study in one semester designed around 19 actions Morven could take to become a true Sustainability Lab.
MKG 10-year Anniversary Report
The Morven Kitchen Garden celebrates a decade of connecting students and community members with our local food system, providing sustainability education, and engagement with local food justice efforts. On September 10th we held a 10 year anniversary party, where we launched our Anniversary Report and celebrated a decade of programming. Thanks to our event sponsors: UVA Dine, Boar’s Head Resort, UVA Sustainability, and UVA Parents Committee.
Morven 2020 - A Year in Review
Our 2020 report looks back on a year of challenges, opportunities, and new partnerships. We are proud of the work of our team and partners in responding to difficult challenges, and responding with innovative and substantial programming.
Morven Kitchen Garden’s 2020 Snapshot
In 2020 MKG pivoted to be able to reopen and respond to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Check out our 2020 snapshot to get an idea of what happened at the garden!
UVA Sustainable Food Collaborative Annual Report, 2019-2020
This Annual Report documents the work of the Sustainable Food Collaborative over the previous fiscal year (July 2019-June 2020). Its purpose is to share successful progress toward the five goals laid out in the Action Plan, celebrate the work of community partners, consider how the context of the past year has impacted and shaped our work, and establish metrics that can be referenced to mark progress over time.
2019 Food Lab & Stone Robinson Elementary Partnership
In October 2018, the First Lady’s Food Lab at Morven launched our first program with local Albemarle County Public School, Stone Robinson Elementary. In partnership with the University Curry School of Education, our team built relationships with the students and teachers in the classroom, focusing on learning outcomes students would need for their SOL’s.
Morven Kitchen Garden’s 2019 Snapshot
Check out our 2019 snapshot to get an idea of what we were up to this year!
WGLF 2017 Summary Report
On October 6, 2017 UVA began its Third Century, celebrating the laying of the University Cornerstone by Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe. On November 13-14, the University convened the Women’s Global Leadership Forum in Charlottesville, Virginia hosted by President Teresa Sullivan and Honorary Chair Dorothy McAuliffe, First Lady of Virginia.
The Women’s Global Leadership Forum, spearheaded by UVA Morven Programs, brought together more than 200 women from the University and around the world to address the “Role of Women in 21st Century Democracy” and to explore the challenges and contributions women have made in today's complex society. Visionary leaders from over 20 countries participated in this event in partnership with the Presidential Precinct.
Morven Kitchen Garden’s 2017 Highlights
This 2017 MKG report highlights program and engagement successes, and charts a path for the future building upon our successes.
The Morven Trail - Graduate Student Research Project
This document reports the summer research findings from three graduate students from the University of Virginia School of Architecture, with support from Morven staff. As part of the Morven Trail Project, this work is intended to assist Morven leadership and participants in a summer charrette as they consider trails within Morven and connecting to nearby sites such as Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and James Monroe’s Highland.
Morven Kitchen Garden’s 2016 Report
This comprehensive MKG report from 2016 highlights program and engagement successes, and charts a path for the future building upon our successes.
Experimental Grounds Report
The extraordinary cultural and environmental history of Morven provides a map for its future, as an experimental ground where local investigations may be pursued with an eye to global impact. This history is recorded in its soil, plants, and building…
Hart Howerton Opportunity Assessment
Taken as a whole, the Opportunity Assessment shows how to increase and sustain the impact and influence of Morven on a global audience and how to do that in a financially sound way. As such, it is designed as a tool to help convey the value and strong potential of the Morven property, and to help realize the shared vision and objectives of John Kluge and the University of Virginia
The Morven Trail Report
This report summarizes research from the Spring of 2017, supported by a grant from the Dominion Foundation, related to trails at Morven Farm and a potential connection to James Monroe's Highland and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.
Morven @ 5 - The First 5 Years
In its first five years, Morven Programs created its own, unique place and space by working with hundreds of UVA faculty and students. In the first five years, we’ve held more than 500 programs and events, welcomed more than 15,000 visitors, hosted 44 members of the US Senate, created the Morven Summer Institute and Morven Kitchen Garden and initiated dozens of multi-disciplinary research projects
Morven Global Assessment Report
This report analyzed potential for Moven as a platform for collaborative problem-solving. It provides an overview of marketplace venues that act as organizing spaces for thought leaders seeking paths to progress within their respective field of work, study and activism. Four basic models comprise the marketplace: think tanks, platform venues, university-affiliated centers, and emerging leader networks.
Surveying the Past - A History Report on the Land at Morven
This report, by Laura Voisin-George, explores the history of Morven Farm throughout the centuries, examining archival records and the findings of archeological work on the property.