Thigh High by Mid-July: Lend Me your Ears
As you may have guessed from the title, our corn is shooting up! Although it was not quite knee high by the Fourth of July, it's now thigh high and growing strong. I read that corn does well in nitrogen-rich soils, so I'm guessing our soil has a good quantity of that. Keep on growing, corn!
Yesterday we had one of our most plentiful CSA days. It was also one of our busiest weeks, with 11 people coming to pick up their CSA bags and wildflowers. As always, harvesting and bunching everything up put us all in high spirits and made us really excited for the pick-up later on that day. Each person received the following: one whole head of cabbage, two zucchinis or summer squash, three beets, two onions, a bunch of Swiss Chard and Kale, and a bunch of basil. We were so happy that this was the first week of our second CSA session, and we had several new participants join us. Welcome to all!
This past week, we have been gearing up for our Gazpacho in the Garden event tomorrow. We are expecting about 50 people to come out, so we want everything to look tip-top. Yesterday, the garden got a wonderful and beautiful trim (take that weeds!). We also have been continuing to put newspaper and hay between the rows in the first quadrant to help keep the moisture in and the weeds out of the soil. We are almost done, but it takes a lot longer than we expect. Judith and I timed it to take 52 minutes per row. Well, two more (one hour and 44 minutes) to go!
Later on this evening, we are going to meet up with a couple of the interns from Maple Hill, the educational farm of the Local Food Hub, and we are going to make all of the Gazpacho, hummus, and zucchini chocolate chip cookies. Yumyum! It sounds so good, and we are pumped for our event tomorrow!