Trial & Error

Oh, what a busy, busy day!  This morning, Mother Nature graced us with some wonderful weather.  We took advantage of this pleasant surprise and planted our squash, zucchini and cucumber starts.  If you can recall, we actually had already planted some starts two weeks ago.  These unfortunately, however, did not survive, and we're attributing this to the fact that we planted them on the hottest day of the summer.  Hopefully the little guys will find today's cooler temperature and rain a more pleasant condition to grow in.We have also started our fall crops!  Pretty soon we'll be introducing some new additions - turnips (scarlet ohno revival & purple top white globes), rutabagas cauliflower & broccoli rabe - to the garden and welcoming back some familiar faces - broccoli & cabbage - as well.Oh!  And I cannot forget about the potatoes.  Apparently it's not very common to plant potatoes in the fall, so let's consider this to be an experiment!  After all, our garden is a "living laboratory."  Here's the very scientific process that we followed:(1) Buy some red and gold potatoes from Whole Foods(2) Leave the potatoes in a cool, dark place (a.k.a. my roommate's closet - thanks, Gillian!)  to let them grow some tubers.  *They didn't end up growing any, but we planted them anyways because some of our farmer friends have successfully done this in the past.(3) Plant some halves and some wholes, and hopefully in the coming weeks determine which method is more successful!


Last CSA Day for the Summer (More to Come in Fall!) and Special Friday Breakfast


New Friends and Basil Mountain