Student Leadership at MKG
In 2011, students were the catalyst that started the Morven Kitchen Garden and students continue to lead the garden forward today!
Student Leadership Team
MKG’s Student Leadership guides the direction and goals of the garden. This dedicated group of students advises, promotes, and connects the garden to Grounds.
The MKG Student Leadership Team supports the garden in many vital ways, including:
Leading volunteer workdays
Creating the weekly MKG email newsletter
Updating MKG Social Media sites
Promoting the garden on Grounds at Activity Fairs, Sustainability Events, and to other student groups
Planning and hosting garden events and programs.
MKG Leadership Team meets weekly on Grounds each semester and is open to any interested persons.
Interested in participating? Join our email list!
2022-23 MKG Student Leaders
Learn more about our great team of student leaders!
Noelani Brockett, Student President
Jade Devriendt, Vice President
Sy Coffey, Treasurer
Jessica Sadowsky, Secretary
Gazpacho in the Garden
Exec is the driving force behind Gazpacho in the Garden, our annual garden openhouse and celebration. This large event held in early September brings over 150 people to the garden for local food, live music, and garden tours. Student leaders plan and execute this event from securing and picking up local food donations for the buffet style meal, to promoting the event and day-of logistics and setup.