Pumpkin Picking
Today we picked some pumpkins for our CSAers! Our pumpkins are a little on the small side to be carved, but they are great for cooking. I included a recipe for pumpkin soup in this week's recipe booklet for the CSA. The recipe involves cooking and pureeing the pumpkin first, which I think sounds like a lot of fun, not to mention delicious.
In other news, the season extension research is coming along well. Michelle and I started building a cold frame on Monday evening, but we ran into a slight road block when we were part of the way done. Are we really bad at power drilling? we wondered. No, the drill just ran out of power. Well, we are still quite lucky that the weather has been so nice and it hasn't frosted yet. We are having a Student Workday next Monday, so we can finish up the cold frames then. I hope to put up the other season extension techniques we're doing too (fabric row cover and greenhouse plastic as another type of row cover). I think it's about time!
Another exciting event coming up is we are helping out with a community potluck at the Haven this Sunday. Judith is going to make Swiss Chard quiche with our chard and eggs from our chickens, and I am going to make a sort of salsa with our extra tomatoes, peppers, and basil. Tanya Denckla Cobb is also going to be presenting her new book Reclaiming Our Food at this event on Sunday, so it's going to be lots of fun.